Waves and Bib Seeding Processes

In 2022, organizers implemented a three-wave system for men and women. Each wave starts three minutes apart. Each wave includes about 125 entrants (but fewer actual racers due to attrition).

The primary seeding mechanism for adult racers is the prior year’s Mount Marathon results. Those who did not race the previous year but finished Mount Marathon in recent years will have those results considered. First-time racers are seeded in Wave 3 unless they have credentials that warrant being placed in Wave 1 or Wave 2.

Wave 1 for the men and women each year includes the following: The top 100 men and top 100 women finishers from the previous year’s race; top junior racers aging in to the senior race; AMR Grand Prix winners with Earned Race Spots; auction winners with strong credentials; lottery winners with strong credentials; and petitioners with strong credentials.

2024 Wave 1Bibs 1-120 for men and women. Top 103 men and Top 100 women from MMR 2023, plus other racers with strong credentials. All Top 100 finishers from 2023 were assigned the bib number corresponding to their place (i.e. 93rd place in 2023 equals Bib 93 in 2024).

2024 Wave 2
Bibs 201-325 for men and women. Generally MMR racers from 2023 and 2022 who placed in the middle third, and first-time racers with previous results indicating a finish in the middle of the pack.

2024 Wave 3
Bibs 401-530 for men and women. Generally MMR racers from 2023 and 2022 who placed in the bottom third, first-time racers whose previous results indicate a finish in the back third, and first-time racers who listed no credentials.

Juniors — Mass start for all boys and girls together.
Girls — Bibs 1-150
Boys — Bibs 201-350

Non-binary division participants are placed in the race of the gender they selected on their registration form and in a wave that corresponds to their credentials.
Online auction winners
bibs are based on their Mount Marathon and other experience.
Live auction winners and the raffle winner bibs are based on their Mount Marathon and other experience.

WAVE CHANGE REQUESTS FOR 2024 — The deadline for wave change requests was May 23, 2024; wave change requests are no longer possible.
No junior wave requests will be considered because there is only one combined wave.
The race director will consider each adult wave change request and decide whether an adjustment is warranted.
To limit future change requests, first-time racers should list their credentials when they register for the lottery.