97th Running – July 4, 2025
Priority Registration and Lottery Registration Period: Opens March 1, Closes March 31, 2025.
Links and info will be posted here.
Bib Pickup for July 3 and July 4 – INFO HERE
Volunteers Needed
Prospective VOLUNTEERS — visit the Volunteers page HERE to sign up for a variety of positions!
2024 Race Information
Registration for the 2024 race OPENED March 1 and CLOSED at midnight on March 31, 2024 for both priority racers and those entering the lottery.
2024 Race Rosters
SCROLL down for Men’s, Women’s, Boys and Girls Links
YELLOW – Denotes lottery winners. See 2024 lottery odds below.
WHITE – Denotes Priority Status obtained through a variety of methods.
PINK — Denotes One-Time Petition (9 individuals), One-Time Earned Entry (4 individuals), Committee’s Choice (8 individuals) and Sponsor slots (3 individuals). These entrants do not have Priority Status and are not eligible to requalify through the Top 50 Percent Age Group Rule. They also do not count against the 375-racer per adult division cap.
Bib and Wave Assignments
Wave assignments will be announced at the end of May.
For an explanation of the bib and wave assignment process, visit: https://mountmarathon.com/definitions/wave-change/. The deadline for requesting a wave change was May 23.
- 2024 Wave 1 — Bibs 1-120 for men and women.
- 2024 Wave 2 — Bibs 201-325 for men and women.
- 2024 Wave 3 — Bibs 401-530 for men and women.
Juniors — Mass start for all boys and girls together.
- Girls — Bibs 1-150.
- Boys — Bibs 201-350.
Roster and registration issues should be directed to: register@mountmarathon.com
The only deferral now possible is for women due to pregnancy. Women can fill out a Pregnancy Deferral Form on the website from March 1-July 31 HERE
Find out who finished in the Top 50 Percent of Age Group in 2023 by viewing the PDF files linked below.
Click the Links Below to See Bib and Wave Assignments
Mens | Womens | Boys | Girls |
Boys | ||||
Bib | First Name | Last Name | Age Group | Address |
270 | Russell | Adams | 12-14 | Anchorage, AK |
316 | Bryson | Adkins | 9-11 | Eagle River, AK |
208 | Robbie | Annett | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
284 | Ryan | Annett | 12-14 | Anchorage, AK |
280 | Holden | Aquino | 12-14 | Anchorage, AK |
341 | Oliver | Banse | 9-11 | Seward, AK |
324 | Wyatt | Barlow | 12-14 | New Port Richey, FL |
250 | Elliott | Beals | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
252 | Keenan | Berrigan | 15-17 | Palmer, AK |
257 | Britton | Bethard | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
342 | Titus | Bird | 9-11 | Seward, AK |
228 | Gabe | Black | 15-17 | Palmer, AK |
258 | Jake | Black | 12-14 | Palmer, AK |
245 | Landon | Bobo | 15-17 | Chugiak, AK |
320 | PJ | Bragonier | 15-17 | Ester, AK |
331 | Clark | Brownson | 9-11 | Anchorage, AK |
265 | Micah | Brueckner | 15-17 | Seward, AK |
323 | Eli | Cage | 12-14 | Trinity, FL |
210 | Logan | Cartwright | 15-17 | Kasilof, AK |
242 | Alex | Casurella | 12-14 | Anchorage, AK |
221 | Oliver | Casurella | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
225 | Ridge | Conant | 15-17 | Seward, AK |
207 | Teigan | Copp | 15-17 | Palmer, AK |
218 | Logan | Cuddy | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
239 | Creed | Cvancara | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
287 | Charles | Daugherty | 12-14 | Eagle River, AK |
283 | Conrad | Daugherty | 12-14 | Eagle River, AK |
310 | Jack | DeKay | 12-14 | Eagle River, AK |
303 | Jesse | Dickson | 12-14 | Palmer, AK |
226 | Luke | Elhard | 12-14 | Seward, AK |
231 | Mason | Elhard | 15-17 | Seward, AK |
229 | Logan | Fellman | 15-17 | Juneau, AK |
281 | Kai | Finch | 12-14 | Anchorage, AK |
301 | Martin | Fink | 15-17 | Seward, AK |
215 | Aksel | Flagstad | 12-14 | Anchorage, AK |
202 | Vebjorn | Flagstad | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
302 | Nick | Fleming | 12-14 | Seward, AK |
251 | Hunter | Forshee-Kurtz | 15-17 | Seward, AK |
346 | Kanon | Galloway | 9-11 | Eagle River, AK |
224 | Kohen | Galloway | 15-17 | Eagle River, AK |
298 | Alexander | Green | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
334 | Easton | Hadley | 9-11 | Eagle River, AK |
313 | Miles | Hadley | 12-14 | Eagle River, AK |
286 | Parker | Hadley | 12-14 | Eagle River, AK |
209 | Jaxon | Henrie | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
295 | Payden | Henrie | 12-14 | Anchorage, AK |
244 | Quinn | Humbert | 12-14 | Seward, AK |
309 | River | Jackson | 9-11 | Seward, AK |
255 | Logan | Johnson | 12-14 | Seward, AK |
227 | River | Johnson | 15-17 | Chugiak, AK |
333 | Maxwell | Jones | 12-14 | Anchorage, AK |
275 | Rhett | Jones | 15-17 | Monument, CO |
321 | Brody | Jorgensen | 15-17 | Palmer, AK |
327 | Jake | Keener | 12-14 | Palmer, AK |
212 | Micah | King | 12-14 | Bend, OR |
240 | Axel | Kiskaddon | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
350 | Aidan | Knapp | 15-17 | San Jose, CA |
289 | Lewis | Knier | 12-14 | Anchorage, AK |
308 | Legend | Kopsack | 15-17 | Palmer, AK |
336 | Leif | Laker | 12-14 | Kasilof, AK |
276 | Elijah | Lang | 12-14 | Eagle River, AK |
213 | Aiden | Lawson | 15-17 | Eagle River, AK |
322 | Nathen | Lawson | 15-17 | Eagle River, AK |
261 | Reyce | Lee | 9-11 | Anchorage, AK |
332 | Carson | Leppert | 15-17 | Colorado Springs, CO |
253 | Olin | Liljemark | 15-17 | Seward, AK |
264 | Cody | Lloyd | 9-11 | Ketchum, ID |
269 | Thijs | Lloyd | 12-14 | Ketchum, ID |
293 | Vendelin | Maixner | 9-11 | Big Lake, AK |
254 | Barret | Malouf | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
201 | Coby | Marvin | 15-17 | Palmer, AK |
237 | Isaac | Marvin | 12-14 | Palmer, AK |
217 | Jebediah | Marvin | 15-17 | Palmer, AK |
292 | Patrick | McSharry | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
291 | Aaron | Mehl | 15-17 | Eagle River, AK |
318 | Adam | Mehl | 9-11 | Eagle River, AK |
294 | Andrew | Mehl | 12-14 | Eagle River, AK |
312 | Austin | Mehl | 12-14 | Eagle River, AK |
203 | Hatcher | Menkens | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
296 | Austin | Merriner | 12-14 | Anchorage, AK |
299 | Nathan | Momblow | 15-17 | Eagle River, AK |
315 | Charles | Moore | 12-14 | Kasilof, AK |
326 | Matthew | Moore | 9-11 | Kasilof, AK |
232 | Austin | Murphy | 15-17 | Bird Creek, AK |
243 | Jaxon | Murphy | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
263 | Ian | Naylor | 15-17 | Palmer, AK |
223 | Mason | Newell | 15-17 | Eagle River, AK |
271 | Breyden | Nottingham | 12-14 | Eagle River, AK |
211 | Gus | Olson | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
262 | Luke | Owens | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
325 | Nash | Paprocki | 12-14 | Anchorage, AK |
347 | Silas | Pastorek | 9-11 | Anchorage, AK |
272 | Lane | Petersen | 15-17 | Seward, AK |
304 | Nicholas | Petrosius | 15-17 | Seward, AK |
338 | Thale | Randall | 12-14 | Willow, AK |
247 | Kai | Reed | 15-17 | Seward, AK |
274 | Kelton | Reed | 9-11 | Seward, AK |
248 | Fenn | Reese | 12-14 | Anchorage, AK |
234 | Ole | Reese | 12-14 | Anchorage, AK |
339 | Gus | Reimer | 9-11 | Anchorage, AK |
246 | Corbin | Reitmeier | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
277 | Nathan | Reitmeier | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
260 | Merik | Rinner | 12-14 | Anchorage, AK |
233 | Easton | Roads | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
205 | Blaze | Rubeo | 12-14 | Wasilla, AK |
238 | Ice | Rubeo | 9-11 | Wasilla, AK |
216 | Storm | Rubeo | 12-14 | Wasilla, AK |
230 | Cedar | Ruckel | 15-17 | Indian, AK |
259 | Tyson | Ruckel | 12-14 | Indian, AK |
319 | Julian | Salao | 9-11 | Anchorage, AK |
256 | Aidan | Schilling | 15-17 | Seward, AK |
348 | Shiloh | Schulman | 9-11 | Anchorage, AK |
345 | Bensen | Sensabaugh | 9-11 | Palmer, AK |
340 | Vanin | Sensabaugh | 9-11 | Palmer, AK |
273 | Van | Shank | 15-17 | Seward, AK |
278 | Dane | Sieminski | 12-14 | Seward, AK |
349 | Thorsten | Simpson | 9-11 | Seward, AK |
328 | Tate | Skinner | 12-14 | Anchorage, AK |
267 | Nash | Smedley | 12-14 | Eagle River, AK |
314 | Hunter | Smith | 12-14 | Seward, AK |
288 | Banyan | Smyth | 12-14 | Willow, AK |
204 | Raven | Spangler | 15-17 | Palmer, AK |
282 | Brayden | Sparrs | 15-17 | Palmer, AK |
268 | Victor | Sparrs | 9-11 | Palmer, AK |
317 | Theodore | Stamoolis | 15-17 | Wasilla, AK |
329 | Leif | Stanbury | 9-11 | Anchorage, AK |
214 | Jacob | Strausbaugh | 15-17 | Soldotna, AK |
279 | Johnny | Stull | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
330 | Titus | Sullivan | 9-11 | Cooper Landing, AK |
343 | David | Taylor | 9-11 | Anchorage, AK |
219 | Zachary | Taylor | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
236 | Braxton | Thornley | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
311 | Cason | Thrall | 9-11 | Seward, AK |
222 | Zion | Tichenor | 12-14 | Palmer, AK |
335 | Joshua | Varland | 12-14 | Palmer, AK |
220 | Marcus | Walsted | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
285 | Kai | Waltenbaugh | 15-17 | Homer, AK |
290 | Taysom | Weaver | 9-11 | Anchorage, AK |
297 | Jack | Whittingham | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |
300 | Tucker | Whittingham | 12-14 | Anchorage, AK |
235 | Elias | Williams | 12-14 | Anchorage, AK |
241 | Logan | Williams | 12-14 | Anchorage, AK |
206 | Corbin | Wilson | 15-17 | Palmer, AK |
249 | Harlow | Wilson | 12-14 | Palmer, AK |
305 | Owen | Wooller | 15-17 | Fairbanks, AK |
344 | Ethan | Wright | 9-11 | Eagle River, AK |
266 | Henry | Zidek | 15-17 | Anchorage, AK |

MMR Race Guide – read all about it!

Race Email #4 – Final Info!

2024 Mount Marathon — JUNIORS’ Preview

2024 Mount Marathon Race – WOMEN’S Preview

2024 Mount Marathon Race – MEN’S Preview

2024 Racers’ Email #3 – Schedule/Bib Pickup/Course/Raffle

2024 Racers Email #2 – Course Info/Safety Tours/Volunteer/Not Racing/Livestream/Pasta Feed

2024 First-timer Email #1 — Important Info!
Join the community of Seward for the running of the Mount Marathon Race on July 4.
The men’s and women’s courses are a grueling 1.5-mile climb up, and back down, Alaska’s majestic and treacherous Mount Marathon. Runners from around the world join Alaskans in pursuit of a common goal: to safely complete this iconic footrace, whether on the podium or in the pack.
Mount Marathon awaits you, and future generations of bold mountain runners. It’s a thrill for both runners and spectators!