Mount Marathon Race Logo - WHITE

97th Running – July 4, 2025

Priority Registration and Lottery Registration Period: Opens March 1, Closes March 31, 2025.
Links and info will be posted here.


Bib Pickup for July 3 and July 4 – INFO HERE

Volunteers Needed

Prospective VOLUNTEERS — visit the Volunteers page HERE to sign up for a variety of positions!

2024 Race Information

Registration for the 2024 race OPENED March 1 and CLOSED at midnight on March 31, 2024 for both priority racers and those entering the lottery.

2024 Race Rosters

SCROLL down for Men’s, Women’s, Boys and Girls Links

YELLOW – Denotes lottery winners. See 2024 lottery odds below.
WHITE – Denotes Priority Status obtained through a variety of methods.
PINK — Denotes One-Time Petition (9 individuals), One-Time Earned Entry (4 individuals), Committee’s Choice (8 individuals) and Sponsor slots (3 individuals). These entrants do not have Priority Status and are not eligible to requalify through the Top 50 Percent Age Group Rule. They also do not count against the 375-racer per adult division cap.

Bib and Wave Assignments

Wave assignments will be announced at the end of May.
For an explanation of the bib and wave assignment process, visit: The deadline for requesting a wave change was May 23.

  • 2024 Wave 1 — Bibs 1-120 for men and women.
  • 2024 Wave 2 — Bibs 201-325 for men and women.
  • 2024 Wave 3 — Bibs 401-530 for men and women.

Juniors — Mass start for all boys and girls together.

  • Girls — Bibs 1-150.
  • Boys — Bibs 201-350.

Roster and registration issues should be directed to:

The only deferral now possible is for women due to pregnancy. Women can fill out a Pregnancy Deferral Form on the website from March 1-July 31 HERE

Find out who finished in the Top 50 Percent of Age Group in 2023 by viewing the PDF files linked below.

Click the Links Below to See Bib and Wave Assignments

Bib First Name Last Name Age Group Address
452 Norman Anthony Adams 50-59 Eagle River, AK
64 Samuel Adams 30-39 Soldotna, AK
476 Geoffrey Agmata 40-49 Anchorage, AK
63 Alex Alonso 50-59 Eagle River, AK
272 David Aquino 70-79 Anchorage, AK
3 Lars Arneson 30-39 Anchorage, AK
69 Collin Atkinson 30-39 Seward, AK
210 Ian Autrey 40-49 Anchorage, AK
74 Andrew Baalerud 40-49 Eagle River, AK
208 Gunner Bahn 30-39 Anchorage, AK
313 Christopher Bair 30-39 Colorado Springs, CO
440 Tab Ballantine 60-69 Anchorage, AK
475 Wes Barlow 50-59 New Port Richey, FL
267 Hughie Barnett 30-39 Anchorage, AK
495 Carl Bassler 60-69 Anchorage, AK
518 Quintin Bates 18-29 Anchorage, AK
514 James Batman 18-29 Anchorage, AK
472 Alex Beane 30-39 Seward, AK
311 Coty Beck 30-39 Seward, AK
51 Ryan Beckett 30-39 Anchorage, AK
449 Mike Beiergrohslein 40-49 Eagle River, AK
477 Shawn Bell 40-49 Renton, WA
56 Brad Benter 50-59 Anchorage, AK
521 Devin Berg 18-29 Palmer, AK
470 Jeremy Berry 50-59 Des Moines, WA
279 Everett Billingslea 60-69 Seattle, WA
505 Finley Bold 18-29 Anchorage, AK
422 Christopher Booth 40-49 Burnsville, MN
456 Jeremiah Booth-Cordero 18-29 Anchorage, AK
98 Brian Boyle 30-39 Boston, MA
409 Jesse Brady 30-39 Anchorage, AK
93 Mark Brady 40-49 Anchorage, AK
415 Timothy Branson 60-69 La Habra, CA
28 Christopher Brenk 18-29 Sitka, AK
12 Kenneth Brewer 30-39 Fairbanks, AK
324 Camilo Brockman 30-39 Anchorage, AK
412 John Browne 50-59 Anchorage, AK
427 Todd Brownson 40-49 Anchorage, AK
15 Kurtis Brumbaugh 18-29 Anchorage, AK
293 Jonathan Burgess 18-29 Anchorage, AK
286 Kris Burnett 50-59 Anchorage, AK
451 Brian Burns 40-49 Homer, AK
32 Hunter Burns 18-29 North Sutton, NH
508 Jacob Burns 30-39 Fort Wainwright, AK
425 John Burns 40-49 Anchorage, AK
45 Brady Burrough 18-29 Anchorage, AK
446 Joe Burton 50-59 Los Gatos, CA
33 James Carlberg 30-39 Seward, AK
266 Quinn Carroll 18-29 Anchorage, AK
405 Steve Carroll 60-69 Anchorage, AK
234 Jacob Case 40-49 Fairbanks, AK
317 Mark Chapman 30-39 Helena, MT
486 Daniel Chen 40-49 Champaign, IL
105 Zachary Cheyette 18-29 Palmer, AK
52 Tor Christopherson 40-49 Anchorage, AK
228 John Clark 50-59 Palmer, AK
326 Patrick Claybaugh 30-39 Belle Vernon, PA
489 Taylor Cline 18-29 Seward, AK
493 Jeremy Collier 40-49 Logan, UT
423 James Conley 60-69 Chugiak, AK
13 Michael Connelly 18-29 Chugiak, AK
283 Bret Connor 40-49 Anchorage, AK
39 Patrick Conway 40-49 Anchorage, AK
308 Ethan Copp 18-29 Palmer, AK
19 Ryan Cox 30-39 Anchorage, AK
206 Brad Coy 40-49 Anchorage, AK
260 Zachary Crawford 18-29 Anchorage, AK
325 Joshua Cronin 40-49 Independence, OR
305 Michael Cunningham 30-39 Longmont, CO
96 Connor Curley 30-39 Soda Springs, CA
0 Cash Cutsforth 18-29 Eagle River, AK
406 Solomon D' Amico 40-49 Seward, AK
0 Larry Daugherty 40-49 Eagle River, AK
419 Bruce Davison 70-79 Anchorage, AK
30 Conor Deal 30-39 Anchorage, AK
111 Franklin Dekker 30-39 Anchorage, AK
89 Jack Delaney 30-39 Anchorage, AK
289 Tristan Denny 18-29 Palmer, AK
296 Dean Denter 50-59 Eagle River, AK
123 Mackie Derrick 40-49 Anchorage, AK
50 Charles DiMarzio 40-49 Seward, AK
231 Aaron Dickson 30-39 Palmer, AK
18 Pyper Dixon 30-39 Seward, AK
506 Gregory DuBois 60-69 Anchorage, AK
4 Michael Earnhart 18-29 Eagle River, AK
81 Brett Ekstrand 30-39 Anchorage, AK
97 Rocky Elhard 40-49 Seward, AK
246 Brede Emtman 50-59 Eagle River, AK
73 Joe Engel 30-39 Anchorage, AK
95 Shawn Erchinger 50-59 Colorado Springs, CO
43 Ethan Eski 18-29 Anchorage, AK
510 Tanner Fields 40-49 San Angelo, TX
237 Mark Fineman 50-59 Anchorage, AK
322 Steve Fink 50-59 Seward, AK
453 James Fischer 40-49 Anchorage, AK
241 Brian Fish 50-59 Palmer, AK
513 Patrick FitzGerald 30-39 Anchorage, AK
497 Matt Flood 30-39 Lewisburg, WV
280 Flip Foldager 60-69 Hope, AK
233 Scott Gage 50-59 Anchorage, AK
447 Dylan Garbe 18-29 Eagle River, AK
434 Timothy Garbe 50-59 Eagle River, AK
203 Zachary Gibson 40-49 Eagle River, AK
273 Steve Gilles 60-69 Indian, AK
118 Dylan Gillespie 18-29 Seward, AK
34 Jeret Gillingham 18-29 Bellingham, WA
431 Paul Gionet 60-69 Anchorage, AK
517 Cayden Glandt 18-29 Seward, NE
478 James Green 50-59 Piedmont, SC
500 Richard Green 18-29 Ray, ND
526 Nicholas Gremley 30-39 Palmer, AK
83 Barney Griffith 60-69 Anchorage, AK
450 Nathan Grilliot 30-39 Wasilla, AK
23 Bodhi Gross 18-29 Manitou Springs, CO
103 Dorian Gross 40-49 Manitou Springs, CO
54 Blake Hanley 18-29 Anchorage, AK
507 Klaus Hanley 18-29 Anchorage, AK
248 Bryan Hardy 40-49 Anchorage, AK
49 Zachary Hartmann 30-39 Anchorage, AK
454 Brian Hartvigson 40-49 Issaquah, WA
202 Brian Haviland 40-49 Anchorage, AK
88 Mike Heatwole 50-59 Anchorage, AK
436 Rennick Heatwole 18-29 Anchorage, AK
14 Galen Hecht 18-29 Anchorage, AK
232 John Heimerl 40-49 Anchorage, AK
229 Robert Hixon 30-39 Chugiak, AK
47 Paul Hlasny 18-29 Anchorage, AK
224 Jeremy Hoagland 40-49 Wasilla, AK
444 Gunner Hodgson 30-39 Palmer, AK
413 Terry Hubler 70-79 Caldwell, ID
0 Wayne Humbert 40-49 Seward, AK
304 Colin Hunsberger 30-39 Palmer, AK
525 Wayland Hunter 18-29 Anchorage, AK
484 Josh Jacko 50-59 Anchorage, AK
408 Mark Jacobsen 60-69 Anchorage, AK
520 Timothy Jagielski 30-39 Seward, AK
109 Corbyn Jahn 30-39 Anchorage, AK
59 Elias Johnson 18-29 Chugiak, AK
17 Erik Johnson 40-49 Seward, AK
270 Tyler Johnson 50-59 Nome, AK
265 William Johnson 30-39 Anchorage, AK
261 Evan Jones 40-49 Monument, CO
445 Steven Jones 50-59 Anchorage, AK
0 Carsen Kane 18-29 Gilbert, AZ
36 Daniel Kane 30-39 Anchorage, AK
249 Alec Kay 50-59 Anchorage, AK
277 Kyle Kelley 50-59 Girdwood, AK
509 Christopher Kemp 18-29 Wasilla, AK
420 Roger Kemppel 80-89 Anchorage, AK
503 Kennaty Kerley 40-49 Soldotna, AK
6 Max King 40-49 Bend, OR
46 Brian Kirchner 30-39 Anchorage, AK
16 Christopher Kirk 18-29 St. George, UT
60 Jacob Kirk 30-39 Anchorage, AK
72 Jared Kirkham 40-49 Anchorage, AK
48 Max Kiskaddon 18-29 Anchorage, AK
285 Kerry Klauder 30-39 Anchorage, AK
274 Joey Klecka 30-39 Anchorage, AK
94 Corey Kline 40-49 Boulder, CO
7 Tracen Knopp 18-29 Palmer, AK
238 John Kogl 50-59 Valparaiso, IN
223 Sebastian Kogl 18-29 Valparaiso, IN
481 Cade Kohler 18-29 Chugiak, AK
281 Braun Kopsack 60-69 Palmer, AK
227 Lance Kopsack 50-59 Palmer, AK
5 Lyon Kopsack 18-29 Palmer, AK
235 Mike Kramer 50-59 Talkeetna, AK
62 Trevor Kreznar 30-39 Seward, AK
501 Jake Kueber 30-39 Anchorage, AK
247 Neil Lamothe 60-69 Anchorage, AK
491 Andrew Lane 40-49 Redmond, CA
254 Kevin Lauver 60-69 Soldotna, AK
319 Dax Lauwers 30-39 Anchorage, AK
298 Dylan Lauwers 30-39 Anchorage, AK
466 Chris Layfield 50-59 Anchorage, AK
264 Ed Leonetti 40-49 Anchorage, AK
282 Cody Leppert 18-29 Colorado Springs, CO
288 Cory Leppert 40-49 Colorado Springs, CO
213 Jason Leslie 40-49 Seward, AK
255 Patrick Lewis 30-39 Seward, AK
462 Justin Lieber 18-29 Thompsons Station, TN
416 Gregory Lincoln 50-59 Bethel, AK
411 David M Lorring 40-49 Soldotna, AK
278 Michael Lucas 60-69 Anchorage, AK
457 Steven MacSwain 50-59 Anchorage, AK
65 Forrest Mahlen 30-39 Anchorage, AK
318 Jake Malanaphy 30-39 Anchorage, AK
113 Davenn Mannix 30-39 Austin, TX
44 William Mans 18-29 Anchorage, AK
76 Darin Markwardt 40-49 Wasilla, AK
218 Marten Martensen 50-59 Anchorage, AK
25 Gabe Martin 18-29 Anchorage, AK
122 Matthew Matera 30-39 Newport Beach, CA
464 Kenneth Matthews 40-49 Anchorage, AK
460 David Mayer 50-59 Palmer, AK
240 Stephen Mayer 50-59 Anchorage, AK
20 Jessie McAuley 18-29 Squamish, British Columbia, Canada, none
527 Derek McDaniel 40-49 Anchor Point, AK
284 Peter McEnaney 50-59 Eagle River, AK
0 Jedidiah McGlasson 30-39 Soldotna, AK
0 Johnathan McGlasson 30-39 Kenai, AK
448 Steve McKeever 70-79 Anchorage, AK
323 Heath McTee (Non-binary) 30-39 Tyler, TX
219 Clint Mccool 60-69 Anchorage, AK
75 James Miller 40-49 Anchorage, AK
519 Jack Moody 18-29 Anchorage, AK
297 Thomas Moon 40-49 Trail, CA
414 Fred Moore 80-89 Seward, AK
404 Jason Moore 40-49 Anchorage, AK
276 Walter Moore 30-39 Kasilof, AK
299 Eric Mortensen 30-39 Anchorage, AK
112 Peter Mortimer 40-49 Flagstaff, AZ
104 Erik Mundahl 30-39 Eagle River, AK
461 Kevin Murphy 60-69 Forestville, CA
236 James Murray 60-69 Wasilla, AK
226 Shawn Naber 40-49 Anchorage, AK
27 Cole Nash 18-29 Anchorage, AK
417 Ron Nelson 50-59 Seattle, WA
211 Thomas Nenahlo 30-39 Anchorage, AK
82 Bjorn Nilsson 18-29 Seward, AK
502 Phillip Nisbett 40-49 Palmer, AK
120 Noel Nocas 30-39 Anchorage, AK
1 David Norris 30-39 Steamboat Springs, CO
84 Derek Nottingham 40-49 Eagle River, AK
87 Matthew Novakovich 50-59 Anchorage, AK
107 Miles Numme-Worrell 18-29 Anchorage, AK
207 Joseph Nyholm 30-39 Seward, AK
320 Matt Olding 60-69 Moab, UT
314 Lucas Olive 40-49 Bend, OR
494 Sepp Olson 18-29 Anchorage, AK
316 Alan Padgett 18-29 Anchorage, AK
67 John Pahkala 30-39 Anchorage, AK
22 Ali Papillon 18-29 Manitou Springs, CO
309 Yogendra Kumar Paul Pandi 30-39 Carlisle, PA
225 Brian Pautzke 40-49 Girdwood, AK
90 Steven Pavek 30-39 Anchorage, AK
421 Paul Pedersen 60-69 Soldotna, AK
468 Steven Pence 30-39 Anchorage, AK
271 Christopher Peterson 30-39 Windsor, CO
242 David Peterson 30-39 Anchorage, AK
437 Kevin Peterson 60-69 Wasilla, AK
471 Nathan Pitney 40-49 Palmer, AK
116 David Popiel 40-49 Anchorage, AK
303 Travis Porter 30-39 Wasilla, AK
522 Seth Prigge 18-29 Seward, AK
479 Jeff Privett 40-49 Eagle River, AK
301 James Pyke 30-39 Kalispell, MT
259 Julio Ramirez 18-29 Anchorage, AK
401 David Rebischke 70-79 Anchorage, AK
119 Carson Reed 18-29 Wasilla, AK
100 Cameron Reitmeier 40-49 Anchorage, AK
426 Chad Resari 80-89 Anchorage, AK
80 Brandon Rinner 40-49 Anchorage, AK
40 Tom Ritchie 50-59 Anchorage, AK
295 Greg Roads 40-49 Anchorage, AK
70 Clay Roberts 30-39 Cantwell, AK
488 Jared Roberts 30-39 Eagle River, AK
516 Joseph Robertson 18-29 Denver, CO
115 Harlow Robinson 50-59 Anchorage, AK
108 Rowan Robinson 18-29 Anchorage, AK
214 Karl Romig 60-69 Cooper Landing, AK
442 Matthew Rose 50-59 Pahoa, HI
121 Kevin Rosenkranz 30-39 Flagstaff, AZ
465 Fabio Rozo 50-59 Farmington, MN
239 Michael Rubeo 30-39 Wasilla, AK
403 DuWayne Ruzicka 60-69 Anchorage, AK
38 Matias Saari 50-59 Anchorage, AK
287 James Schloemer 30-39 North Bend, WA
523 Jacob Schmall 18-29 Chugiak, AK
490 Anthony Schnese 30-39 Anchorage, AK
256 Gideon Schrock 18-29 Seward, AK
216 Thomas Schultz 30-39 Anchorage, AK
292 William Serra 40-49 Anchorage, AK
511 Lee Sexton 30-39 Cheyenne, WY
474 Andrew Shields 30-39 Salem, UT
482 Carl Shotwell 30-39 Cleveland, OH
435 Chester Showalter 60-69 Palmer, AK
499 Justin Skavery 30-39 Mount Carmel, PA
42 Jimmy Sliwa 30-39 Palmer, AK
407 Justin Smole 30-39 Anchorage, AK
71 Thomas Snyder 30-39 Seward, AK
68 Allan Spangler 30-39 Anchorage, AK
483 Burt Spence 40-49 Eagle River, AK
275 Bill Spencer 60-69 Anchorage, AK
269 Connor Sperry 30-39 Mesa, AZ
438 Michael Squires 60-69 Anchorage, AK
418 Evan Steinhauser 60-69 Eagle River, AK
263 Michael Stephan 30-39 Simi Valley, CA
35 Jeffrey Stern 30-39 Mill Valley, CA
245 Patrick Stinson 40-49 Anchorage, AK
424 Corbin Stirling 40-49 Seward, AK
402 Brian Stoecker 60-69 Anchorage, AK
86 Willie Stoll 40-49 Anchorage, AK
124 Alexander Stone 30-39 Kenai, AK
306 Cam Stones 30-39 Anchorage, AK
290 Kegan Storjohann 30-39 Phoenix, AZ
262 Russell Storjohann 50-59 Anchorage, AK
21 Eric Strabel 40-49 Palmer, AK
61 Jacob Streich 40-49 Spokane, WA
268 Todd Stull 40-49 Anchorage, AK
459 Nuuese Talamoni 18-29 Anchorage, AK
102 Scott Talbert 40-49 NE Salem, OR
57 Craig Taylor 40-49 Eagle River, AK
528 Daniel Taylor 40-49 Anchorage, AK
24 Joshuah Taylor 18-29 Wasilla, AK
0 Trent Taylor 50-59 Anchorage, AK
2 Darren Thomas 30-39 Reno, NV
433 William Thompson 70-79 St Helena, CA
321 Ryan Toney 18-29 Oslo, Norway, none
492 Curtis Townsend 40-49 Chugiak, AK
26 Chad Trammell 40-49 Anchorage, AK
253 Michael Tranel 60-69 Yellowstone National Park, WY
432 Mark Tuovinen 60-69 Anchorage, AK
9 Taylor Turney 18-29 Anchorage, AK
217 Benjamin Uffenbeck 40-49 Anchorage, AK
117 Sean Ulman 40-49 Seward, AK
307 Michael Ulroan 30-39 Anchorage, AK
66 Eric Vilce 30-39 Anchorage, AK
209 Daryll Vispo 30-39 Anchorage, AK
230 Casey Volk 30-39 Eagle River, AK
79 Mike Wahlig 40-49 Anchorage, AK
251 Keith Weinhold 50-59 Anchorage, AK
221 Shayne Wescott 30-39 Anchorage, AK
443 Fred West 50-59 Anchorage, AK
312 Jacob Whipple 18-29 Palmer, AK
441 Douglas Wight 70-79 St. Petersburg, FL
310 Edward Wilson 30-39 Palmer, AK
485 Victor Wisel 30-39 Fairbanks, AK
257 Oles Witczak 18-29 Palmer, AK
294 Rob Witter 50-59 Anchorage, AK
469 Bruce Wollison 60-69 Durango, CO
215 Alexander Woody 30-39 Anchorage, AK
455 Oliver Wright 18-29 Anchorage, AK
55 Owen Young 18-29 Anchorage, AK
250 Samuel Young 60-69 Seward, AK
92 Alex Youngmun 30-39 Anchorage, AK
29 William Zenker 30-39 Anchorage, AK
252 Noah Zogas 40-49 Anchorage, AK

MMR Race Guide - read all about it!
/ Mount Marathon News

MMR Race Guide – read all about it!

The Mount Marathon Race Guide is a long-standing tradition. It includes race previews, race rosters, feature stories, a schedule of ... (read more)
Race Email #4 - Final Info!
/ Mount Marathon News

Race Email #4 – Final Info!

Racers of the 96th Mount Marathon Race: Please read the important final information below! July 3 SCHEDULE, Seward High School, 2100 ... (read more)
2024 Mount Marathon — JUNIORS' Preview
/ Mount Marathon News

2024 Mount Marathon — JUNIORS’ Preview

(Originally published in 2024 MMR Guide; updated July 2) Juniors: Boonstra and Marvin Seek to Defend Titles By Matias Saari ... (read more)
2024 Mount Marathon Race - WOMEN'S Preview
/ Mount Marathon News

2024 Mount Marathon Race – WOMEN’S Preview

Fierce and Friendly Defines Women’s Race  (Originally published in the MMR Guide; Updated July 2) By Matias Saari MMR Race ... (read more)
2024 Mount Marathon Race - MEN'S Preview
/ Mount Marathon News

2024 Mount Marathon Race – MEN’S Preview

Men’s Preview: Can King Keep Up With Norris? By Matias Saari (Originally published in the 2024 MMR Guide; Update Max ... (read more)
2024 Racers' Email #3 - Schedule/Bib Pickup/Course/Raffle
/ Mount Marathon News

2024 Racers’ Email #3 – Schedule/Bib Pickup/Course/Raffle

MOUNT MARATHON RACERS: The 96th running is just 3 days away! Please read the following important announcements. SCHEDULE ON JULY ... (read more)
2024 Racers Email #2 - Course Info/Safety Tours/Volunteer/Not Racing/Livestream/Pasta Feed
/ Mount Marathon News

2024 Racers Email #2 – Course Info/Safety Tours/Volunteer/Not Racing/Livestream/Pasta Feed

Mount Marathon racers — the 96th running is just 13 days away! Please read the following important ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1) MMR ... (read more)
2024 First-timer Email #1 — Important Info!
/ Mount Marathon News

2024 First-timer Email #1 — Important Info!

Mount Marathon First-time Racers (and junior parents) — please read this important information! COURSE RECON REQUIREMENT — The race is in 27 ... (read more)

Click on image for 2024 Race Guide

Join the community of Seward for the running of the Mount Marathon Race on July 4.

The men’s and women’s courses are a grueling 1.5-mile climb up, and back down, Alaska’s majestic and treacherous Mount Marathon. Runners from around the world join Alaskans in pursuit of a common goal: to safely complete this iconic footrace, whether on the podium or in the pack.

Mount Marathon awaits you, and future generations of bold mountain runners. It’s a thrill for both runners and spectators!