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Race Results by Year
Mens | WomensYear 1976: Mens
Year 1976: Womens
Firstname | Lastname | Place | Time |
Lillian | Cornish | 4 | 01:09:14 |
Heather | Forbes | 3 | 01:06:54 |
Carol | Frost | 9 | 01:28:43 |
Deborah | Haines Randall | 2 | 01:05:17 |
Michelle | Harmon | 5 | 01:18:41 |
Lin | Hinderman | 7 | 01:19:35 |
Ellen | Maakestad | 6 | 01:18:56 |
Judy | Osborne | 8 | 01:21:50 |
Kristine | Reamer | 11 | 01:34:22 |
Allison | Spencer | 1 | 00:57:39 |
Janet | Strid | 10 | 01:29:08 |
Records containing an ‘*’ indicate Junior race results.
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