2021 Racer Email #7: New Start and Finish Protocols    

The wave starts and finish protocols will be a bit different this year. Please follow our plan to ensure a smooth race! (Parents of juniors: share this plan with your racer!).

With waves of 30-50 and quick turnaround times, lining up on time and following volunteers’ and announcers’ instructions will be imperative.

JUNIORS will have just one minute between waves, with Wave 1 starting at 8:30 a.m. through Wave 7 at 8:36 a.m.
Be prepared to stage on 4th Avenue beginning no later than 8:25 a.m.

  • The waves are gender specific: either all boys or all girls.
WOMEN will have two minutes between waves, with Wave 1 starting at 11:00 a.m. through Wave 6 at 11:10 a.m.
Be prepared to stage on 4th Avenue beginning no later than 10:55 a.m.MEN will have two-minute intervals between waves, with Wave 1 starting at 3:00 p.m. through Wave 7 at 3:12 p.m.
Be prepared to stage on 4th Avenue beginning no later than 2:55 p.m.
Info for all divisions
  • Your wave number and start times are on your bib for reference. Each wave is color coded: yellow, pink or blue. If the racers around you have a different colored bib, you’re in the wrong wave!
  • Line up directly facing the volunteer holding a sign with your wave number. Allow for several feet of space around you.
  • A large display clock in front of the start will help you keep track of the official time of day.
  • The announcer will say which wave is “up next”, which wave is “on deck” (2nd in line) and which wave is “in the hole” (3rd in line). Once a wave begins, all other waves will quickly move up one wave to fill their place.
  • You may not start before your designated wave. If you accidentally miss your start, your clock is ticking and you may head directly to the start line and depart immediately.
  • Bibs should be worn on the front of your torso. If you race shirtless, attach the bib on your right thigh. Don’t fold, crumple or alter your bib: it has a timing chip on the back.
  • Once you finish, feel free to take a minute to catch your breath, grab a drink and orange, and celebrate your achievement. Then continue one block down 4th Avenue and exit the finish chute area.
  • Those needing extra time to recover or get medical treatment will be required to mask up along with the volunteer helping them.